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/ Loadstar 13 / 013.d81 / lang translator (.txt) < prev    next >
Commodore BASIC  |  2022-08-26  |  897b  |  31 lines

  1. 10 printchr$(147);chr$(144):poke53280,14:poke53281,6
  2. 40 print"languagetranslator by jim lockridge"
  3. 42 print"type 'end' to exit to this menu."
  4. 50 print"choose one:"
  5. 60 print"[160]  1 -- english to foreign"
  6. 70 print"[160]  2 -- foreign to english"
  7. 75 print"[160]  3 -- exit program"
  8. 80 input"which ";a
  9. 90 ifa<1ora>3thenprint"1 , 2 , or 3 please":fortt=1to2000:next:run
  10. 95 ifa=3then63100
  11. 100 input"word for translation";w$
  12. 105 ifw$="end"thenrun
  13. 120 ifa=2then300
  14. 140 readaa$:readbb$
  15. 150 ifaa$=w$thenprintchr$(5);bb$:restore:fortt=1to4000:next:run
  16. 160 ifaa$="ttttt"thenprintw$;" not in file":fortt=1to2000:next:run
  17. 170 goto140
  18. 300 readaa$:readbb$
  19. 310 ifbb$=w$thenprintchr$(5);aa$:restore:fortt=1to4000:next:run
  20. 320 ifaa$="ttttt"thenprintw$;" not in file":fortt=1to2000:next:run
  21. 330 goto300
  22. 5000 data english word, foreign word
  23. 60000 datattttt,ttttt
  24. 63000 rem  connect back to l.s.
  25. 63010 print"[147]would you like to try again?"
  26. 63020 poke198,0:wait198,1:geta$:ifa$<>"y"anda$<>"n"thenpoke53280,rnd(1)*15:goto63020
  27. 63030 ifa$="y"thenrun
  28. 63040 :
  29. 63100 print"[147]load"chr$(34)"payload"chr$(34)",8":print"run"
  30. 63110 poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end